Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This is Ava snoring away on the couch. Lately, when she is tired but won't sleep in her crib, I'll sit on the couch with her and read while she slowly drifts off. This way she gets the nap that WE BOTH desperately need her to have, and she's not standing in her crib screaming her lungs out. Plus, she's so cute to watch sleep!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

This is Ava riding the rocking horse she got from Gunny. She LOVES IT and calls it "See See" for "Horsey". She rides "See See" all the time! And I just have to add that when I showed Ava this slideshow, she got so excited and kept repeating, "Baby, hee-haw! Baby, hee-haw!" And for those who aren't fluent in "Ava", she's actually saying "Yee-haw!", because that's what she's says while she's riding "See See"!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This video was taken on Jake's phone, so it's not the best quality, but still hilarious! Ava thinks she's making such a mean face, but really it just looks like she's straining to go to the bathroom! Well, and getting a little distracted (as she often does). LoL!