Sunday, February 24, 2008

This is Ava riding the rocking horse she got from Gunny. She LOVES IT and calls it "See See" for "Horsey". She rides "See See" all the time! And I just have to add that when I showed Ava this slideshow, she got so excited and kept repeating, "Baby, hee-haw! Baby, hee-haw!" And for those who aren't fluent in "Ava", she's actually saying "Yee-haw!", because that's what she's says while she's riding "See See"!


Cassie & Kids said...

aww! she is so stinkin adorable april! i cant wait to meet her! her and gracie would be like BEST FRIENDS! haha and i LOVE that your teachin her the southern slang ;) YEE HAW!!!